Huntington County Honors Photos
Class of 2017 Ceremony
Huntington County Honors recognized its Class of 2017 in a ceremony Saturday, October 28, 2017, in the rotunda of the Huntington County Courthouse.
Inductees recognized at the 2017 Huntington County Honors program and their representatives are (front, from left) Mildred Tullis, Ross Clark, Joan Keefer and Mel Ring, all inductees; Mark Wickersham, executive director of Huntington County Economic Development, representing J.W. Caswell and Winfred Runyan; and Jean Ringer, representing the Bippus family; (second row, from left) Margie Hedrick, Andy Purviance and Mary York, representing their mother, Emmaline “Emmy” Purviance Henn; Joyce Baker Hewitt, representing her father, Dr. E. DeWitt Baker; Susan Richey, representing her father, Dr. Robert M. Hafner; Linda Bryant, representing her great aunt, Helen Purviance; Dodie Neuhauser and Diana Parker, representing their father, Gerald “Jerry” Yeoman; and Jennifer Koch and Lisa Fusselman, representing their father, Ivan “Kaiser” Wilhelm; and (back row, from left) Annette Baker Shepherdson and Dr. Ron Baker, representing their father, Dr. E. DeWitt Baker; inductee Dr. Gary Dilley; Luke Scheer Jr., representing his father, Luke Scheer Sr.; Chris Atchison, representing his grandmother, Elizebeth Smith Friedman; and Huntington County Honors board member Amber Hudson, representing H. Allen Smith.
Class of 2016 Ceremony
The inaugural recognition ceremony for Huntington County Honors was held Oct. 22, 2016 in the Huntington County Courthouse.
FRONT ROW — Diane Miller (for Bob Straight), Cheryl Greene (for Bob Straight), Beth Armstrong (for Bob Straight), Kristine Ummel (for Ralph Johnson), Leslie Barna (for Ralph Johnson), Jorie Webster (for Ralph Johnson), Cynthia Smyth-Wartzok, Carol Shuttleworth-Gavin (for James Shuttleworth), Margie Hedrick (for Don Purviance), Melody Roush (for Edward Roush), Joel Roush (for Edward Roush).
SECOND ROW — Mike Weaver (for Welcome Weaver), Steve Kimmel (for Dan Quayle), Mark Lincoln (for Mark Erehart), Steve Platt, Brad Hummer (for Glen Hummer), Jane Bell (for Glen Hummer), Nicole Johnson (for Arthur Sapp), John Schenkel (for Chris Schenkel).
BACK ROW — Sue Strass (for Chief Richardville, for Chief LaFontaine), Alice Stickler (for Eiffel Plasterer), Jen Pyclik (for Lambdin Milligan), Marj Hiner, Fr. Ron Rieder, Joyce Noll Racine (for Archbishop John Noll), Tom Schenkel (for Alvin & Clara Schenkel Family), Kent Schenkel (for Alvin & Clara Schenkel Family), Jean Gernand, Bob Hammel, Gene Snowden, Sherman Goldenberg (for Jacob L. Brenn).